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Eerie last words Nostradamus ever spoke after making disturbingly accurate predictions for the future

Eerie last words Nostradamus ever spoke after making disturbingly accurate predictions for the future

The French astrologer and physician has been blowing minds since the 16th century

From reading your daily horoscope to reading up on all of Baba Vanga's prophecies for the years to come - it's clear many of us are absolutely fascinated with what the future holds.

So it comes as no surprise that we're still banging on about, arguably, one of the most globally-renowned historical 'mystics', Nostradamus.

The 16th century prophet wrote a multitude of accurate predictions during his lifetime and, despite having been dead since 1566, the self-professed seer's estimations for the future of our world have continued to both fascinate and haunt us to this day, with many of his predictions apparently having come true in recent years.

Nostradamus has apparently made several accurate predictions about the future. (Getty Stock Images)
Nostradamus has apparently made several accurate predictions about the future. (Getty Stock Images)

In fact, three days into the New Year this year, one of the astrologer's prophesies was deemed pretty bang on.

"The dry Earth will become more parched and there will be great floods," the Frenchman previously wrote, with many believing this to have been a reference to the tragic earthquake that shook Japan at 4pm on 1 January, killing 48 people and triggering a tsunami.

It's no surprise therefore, that many believers have been dreading some more of his most morbid predictions coming true.

And having researched his other prophecies for the future of 2024, it looks as though there are a number which haven't transpired - yet, that is.

Some believe the 16th century prophet correctly predicted 9/11 and the rise of Hitler. (ShaoChen Yang / Getty Images)
Some believe the 16th century prophet correctly predicted 9/11 and the rise of Hitler. (ShaoChen Yang / Getty Images)

A new Pope

Let's start with his beliefs surrounding the potential of a new Pope gracing the Vatican in the remaining six months, which sadly, implies that we'll soon be forced to bid adieu to Pope Francis, 87, who is currently the head of the Catholic Church.

"Through the death of a very old Pontiff, a Roman of good age will be elected, of him it will be said that he weakens his see, but long will he sit and in biting activity," Nostradamus wrote of this year.

Upheaval in the Royal Family

And speaking of wishing goodbye to prominent figures, another prediction which has not yet been proven accurate surrounds the Royal Family.

The 'mystic' seemed to believe there would be trouble ahead for the monarchy, specifically King Charles - who may be the 'King of the Isles' Nostradamus refers to - who will apparently be 'driven out by force' and replaced by 'one who will have no mark of a king'.

Some believe this is in reference to King Charles being forced to abdicate with Harry then taking over as opposed to William. Interesting...

The astrologist has blown believer's minds over the years. (Pakin Songmor / Getty Images)
The astrologist has blown believer's minds over the years. (Pakin Songmor / Getty Images)

Rising sea levels

Nostradamus also believes we will be forced to adjust to an incoming changing of the tides, in another interpretation of that line about the dry earth growing more parched and great floods coming.

With the climate crisis continuing apace, this is already well in the works.

Trouble with China

The philosopher estimated more conflict for 2024, specifically a 'naval battle', explaining that a ‘red adversary will become pale with fear, putting the great ocean in dread’.

Some think this could be in reference to China, a 'red' communist country which has the largest navy in the world.

Nostradamus' last words eerily predicted his own death. (imagentix / Getty Images)
Nostradamus' last words eerily predicted his own death. (imagentix / Getty Images)

Famous last words

And it's clear those aren't the only eerie predictions as it appears Nostradamus even accurately predicted the exact day of his death with his last words attesting to just that.

On the night before his death, the French astrologer and physician allegedly stated something along the lines of: "Tomorrow, at sunrise, I shall no longer be here."

Other reports state he said something more like: "You will not find me alive at sunrise."

Regardless, you get the drift.

It is said to be his final accurate prediction as Nostradamus was absolutely right - as he passed away the following day (2 July 1566) aged just 62-year-old.

Literal chills.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Astrology, Life, News