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‘Iconic’ girl who hit Supernanny aged nine opens up on what it was like being on the show

‘Iconic’ girl who hit Supernanny aged nine opens up on what it was like being on the show

Meghann has told all about being on the show.

Perhaps one of the most famous antagonists in the bizarre reality series that was SuperNanny has spoken out about her time on the show.

You might remember Meghann Cooke from when she took a swing at Jo Frost and bit her so hard on the arm that she left a mark.

Meghann appeared on SuperNanny when she was just nine years old, and remains one of the most 'iconic' kids to ever appear on the show.

Her parents Paul and Denise had reached a breaking point with Meghann and her two sisters Gabriella and Erin, so they called Jo in to work her magic.

Now, almost two decades later, she's opening up about the experience.

Meghann regularly does Q&A sessions on her TikTok for her 112,000 followers and, as you can imagine, almost every question is about that unforgettable episode.

Meghann is one of the most 'iconic' kids to ever appear on SuperNanny.

When one fan asked Meghann if she was embarrassed after the show came out, she replied earnestly: "The first time the show was aired, I watched it on the TV in my bedroom, my mum and dad watched it downstairs and my sisters were asleep, they didn't watch it.

"I remember crying when it finished and my mum came upstairs and said she was sorry, she was crying and I was crying.

"And it wasn't scripted, me hitting Jo. I lashed out, a lot."

When another follower asked her if any of the scenes were staged or set-up, Meghann surprisingly revealed some parts were, but probably not as much as you'd think.

"It wasn't that it was staged or that we were set up in situations, but our routine was fully changed," she explained.

"We were used to getting ready in the morning, watching TV, getting our hair done, having our friends round.

"Um, and weren't allowed to watch the TV because, obviously, copyright reasons they can't have the television on.

Meghann has spoken about her experience on the show.

"We weren't allowed to have friends around because they shouldn't really have our friends in the video - and we weren't allowed to wear certain clothes, like, we weren't allowed to wear clothes with branding and stuff on them."

And if you were wondering whether SuperNanny Jo actually works wonders on these badly behaved children, Meghann isn't so sure.

"I'm not going to speak for everyone who was a part of the show but, for us, I don't think Jo really changed us," she admitted.

"I think a few years after Jo visited us, we grew up and the dynamics changed in our family and that's made us behave better."

Featured Image Credit: LifeTime / TikTok/@meghannhelaina

Topics: TV And Film