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SZA had stern warning for crowd as she called out fans' ‘disgusting’ behaviour at concert

SZA had stern warning for crowd as she called out fans' ‘disgusting’ behaviour at concert

SZA, who is headlining Glastonbury this weekend, had enough of fans at one show in Australia

You'd think if you'd paid good money to go and see a gig, you would want to enjoy the show without any distractions.

But oddly that doesn't always seem to be the case for some concertgoers, who, at best, might chat away noisily through songs, or, at worst, end up lobbing items onto the stage...

Glastonbury headliner SZA may be excited to perform on Sunday when she takes to the pyramid stage, but we imagine she may not want a repeat of what happened a few months back on the Australian part of her SOS tour, when bad crowd etiquette resulted in a stern telling off.

The 'Kill Bil' singer lost her cool in April, when she rocked up to the Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne expecting to be greeted by devoted fans.

Although most of the footage from the night showed crowds singing along with the American singer songwriter, some were seemingly determined to ruin it.


Footage of the shocking scenes went viral on TikTok, with one video saying: “Sad to see that Melbourne will forever be SZA's least favourite destination due to pitiful behaviour from some people in the crowd.

"The overwhelming posters, selfish 'pick me' flyers, ridiculous attention seeking activity.

“Solana, u killed it though.”

Security guards also had a lot on their hands, attending to one concertgoer who was involved in an altercation in the crowd.

Another fan attempted to do a handstand in the steep seating area, resulting in them losing their balance and falling onto another person.

In the end, SZA had to halt the show to address the crowd directly after it was reported that some fans were throwing shoes and mobile phones at the person they were paying to see.

She gave the unruly crowd a talking to, telling them: “I will leave. Do not throw up any cell phones, I’m a person. That’s crazy."

The comments on the viral TikTok video went crazy, with fans who would have loved get a ticket to the tour showing outrage at some people's behaviour.

One person commented: “She literally asked to stop throwing stuff at her AND PPL KEPT DOING IT? They call themselves ‘fans’ but still disrespect her like that.”

Another fan wrote: “I completely agree! I saw girls next to me so upset that she wasn’t picking people to go backstage with her after the show, but everyone was so selfish and were literally throwing shoes at her to sign.”

One expressed sympathy for the artist, adding: “When she said ‘I’m a person!”, decorating her message with crying emojis.

The video's creator responded to the angry fans, writing: “I wanted to cry :/ if I were her I would’ve walked off ngl the moment people started throwing s**t.”

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@rice1147858

Topics: Music, Glastonbury, Australia, TikTok