Topics: Travel, Plane Etiquette, Social media
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Topics: Travel, Plane Etiquette, Social media
A woman has slammed a bunch of 'drunk' men who apparently swore at her one-year-old son on board a flight.
While travelling is meant to be fun, there are often a lot of stresses and sometimes even arguments that come with it.
From the man that boarded his flight without his wife after she went to buy a Starbucks to the woman left furious after a fellow passenger used the toilet four times during a flight, there really has been a lot going on this summer.
Now, a woman has slammed some men on her flight after she claims they said a few less than nice things to her young son.
You'll find that young children are often slammed when it comes to disturbances on flights, with many passengers venting their frustrations online after their flight has been ruined.
Heck, one airline has even introduced an adult-only section to its flights so that those who want a very peaceful flight can do so.
However, this particular travel altercation is more the fault of the adults rather than a young child according to this mum.
Taking to X (formerly known as Twitter), Dr Aria Nichols posted a photo of her one-year-old son smiling during a flight from Bali to New Zealand.
But despite her son's happy appearance, Aria had a pretty miserable time on the long-haul flight.
She wrote: "Flew Bali to New Zealand red-eye last night with my baby (on his 1st birthday).
"The drunk guys in front of us were real tough guys swearing at my baby for crying (as he fell asleep) and laughing loudly, waking him up again repeatedly.
"Babies are not the problem on flights."
The mum went on to say that the men fully reclined their seats during the flight, making it rather difficult for herself to get in and out of her seat.
Luckily, flight attendants did help her out a bit.
"They told them to raise their seats so I could get back into mine with the sleeping baby and eventually stopped serving them drinks," Nichols continued on Twitter.
"I bet they've seen it all before and worse!"
Of course, the mum's child is just a year old, with her explaining that he loud engine and changing pressure on flights is enough to upset any young child.
"She also reiterated that fellow passengers should provide some understanding for parents with young children on flights.
It can be pretty hard on them at times, and then other times, they travel like an absolute dream. So hard to predict," she penned.
"I try and avoid any colds in the weeks leading up to travel as it makes their ears hurt more."